Ines Almeida

Blog by Ines Almeida

Measuring the Truthfulness of Large Language Models: Benchmarks, Challenges, and Implications for Business Leaders
LLMs currently face significant challenges when it comes to truthfulness. Understanding these limitations is essential for any business considering leveraging LLMs.
Ines Almeida
29.04.24 01:00 PM - Comment(s)
Language Model Tokenization Reveals Significant Disparities Across Languages: Implications for Businesses and Users
In this article, we'll dive into a recent study that uncovers substantial disparities in the tokenization process used by language models across different languages.
Ines Almeida
29.04.24 12:28 PM - Comment(s)
The Evolving AI Policy Landscape: Key Developments for Business Leaders
We explore the rapidly evolving AI policy landscape, with a special focus on the significant policy events of 2023 and the state of AI regulation in the United States and European Union.
Ines Almeida
29.04.24 11:45 AM - Comment(s)
The Responsible AI Imperative: Key Insights for Business Leaders
We explore the current state of responsible AI, examining the lack of standardized evaluations for LLMs, the discovery of complex vulnerabilities in these models, the growing concern among businesses about AI risks, and the challenges posed by LLMs outputting copyrighted material.
Ines Almeida
29.04.24 11:19 AM - Comment(s)
The Evolving Landscape of AI Benchmarks: What Business Leaders Need to Know
In this article, we'll dive into the key findings of the 2024 AI Index Report, focusing on benchmarks for truthfulness, reasoning, and agent-based systems, and explore their implications for businesses.
Ines Almeida
29.04.24 10:25 AM - Comment(s)
The AI Landscape in 2024: Training Costs, Open Source, and Running Out of Data
The 2024 HAI AI Index Report reveals a rapidly evolving AI landscape characterized by rising training costs, potential data constraints, the dominance of foundation models, and a shift towards open-source AI.
Ines Almeida
29.04.24 09:25 AM - Comment(s)
Manipulation in AI-Powered Product Recommendations: What Business Leaders Need to Know
A new study from Harvard University reveals how LLMs can be manipulated to boost a product's visibility and ranking in recommendations.
Ines Almeida
15.04.24 02:00 PM - Comment(s)
The Top 10 Risks Business Leaders Need to Know About Large Language Models
Recently, the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), a leading authority on cybersecurity, released their list of the Top 10 security risks for LLM applications. Here is what every executive should know about these critical LLM vulnerabilities.
Ines Almeida
04.04.24 04:21 PM - Comment(s)
Unlocking the Power of Interpretable AI with InterpretML: A Guide for Business Leaders
InterpretML is a valuable tool for unlocking the power of interpretable AI in traditional machine learning models. While it may have limitations when it comes to directly interpreting LLMs, the principles of interpretability and transparency remain crucial in the age of generative AI.
Ines Almeida
04.04.24 12:45 PM - Comment(s)
AI Benchmarks: Misleading Measures of Progress Towards General Intelligence
It is crucial for business leaders to understand the limitations and potential pitfalls of current approaches to measuring AI capabilities.
Ines Almeida
03.04.24 10:42 AM - Comment(s)
AI's Role in Revolutionizing Innovation Management
Among the myriad areas AI is transforming, innovation management stands out as a domain ripe for disruption. Innovation management, the art and science of bringing new and creative ideas to life, is critical for any organization aiming to maintain a competitive edge in the digital age.
Ines Almeida
22.02.24 03:45 PM - Comment(s)
How do you create a generative AI transformation roadmap?
Crafting a generative AI transformation roadmap is about combining strategic foresight, ethical responsibility, and a commitment to continuous learning and adaptation.
Ines Almeida
30.01.24 09:09 PM - Comment(s)
How do you create a generative AI strategy?
How do you create a generative AI strategy?
Ines Almeida
30.01.24 05:35 PM - Comment(s)
Top 10 Generative AI Governance Best Practices
How do you create a generative AI strategy?
Ines Almeida
30.01.24 05:35 PM - Comment(s)
Critique of the AI Transparency Index
A recent critique calls into question a prominent AI transparency benchmark, illustrating the challenges in evaluating something as complex as transparency.
Ines Almeida
01.11.23 12:07 PM - Comment(s)
Measuring Transparency in Foundation Models
A recent critique calls into question a prominent AI transparency benchmark, illustrating the challenges in evaluating something as complex as transparency.
Ines Almeida
01.11.23 12:07 PM - Comment(s)
Microsoft Unveils AutoGen to Revolutionize Conversational AI Apps
To accelerate development of advanced conversational AI applications, Microsoft recently introduced AutoGen, an open-source Python library that streamlines orchestrating multi-agent conversations.
Ines Almeida
24.10.23 02:13 PM - Comment(s)
MemGPT: The Memory Limitations of AI Systems and a Clever Technological Workaround
MemGPT, applies OS principles like virtual memory and process management to unlock more powerful applications of LLMs - all while staying within their inherent memory limits.
Ines Almeida
24.10.23 12:02 PM - Comment(s)
Navigating the Murky Waters of AI and Copyright
How exactly should business leaders navigate the complex intersection between AI creation and existing copyright laws? A new research paper by legal scholar Dr Andres Guadamuz provides an enlightening analysis of this murky terrain.
Ines Almeida
15.09.23 09:33 AM - Comment(s)
Is GPT-4 a Mixture of Experts Model? Exploring MoE Architectures for Language Models
Rumors are swirling that GPT-4 may use an advanced technique called Mixture of Experts (MoE) to achieve over 1 tr parameters. This offers an opportunity to demystify MoE
Ines Almeida
17.08.23 02:25 PM - Comment(s)