Gen AI Research

Blog tagged as Gen AI Research

Manipulation in AI-Powered Product Recommendations: What Business Leaders Need to Know
A new study from Harvard University reveals how LLMs can be manipulated to boost a product's visibility and ranking in recommendations.
Ines Almeida
15.04.24 02:00 PM - Comment(s)
AI Benchmarks: Misleading Measures of Progress Towards General Intelligence
It is crucial for business leaders to understand the limitations and potential pitfalls of current approaches to measuring AI capabilities.
Ines Almeida
03.04.24 10:42 AM - Comment(s)
Microsoft Unveils AutoGen to Revolutionize Conversational AI Apps
To accelerate development of advanced conversational AI applications, Microsoft recently introduced AutoGen, an open-source Python library that streamlines orchestrating multi-agent conversations.
Ines Almeida
24.10.23 02:13 PM - Comment(s)
MemGPT: The Memory Limitations of AI Systems and a Clever Technological Workaround
MemGPT, applies OS principles like virtual memory and process management to unlock more powerful applications of LLMs - all while staying within their inherent memory limits.
Ines Almeida
24.10.23 12:02 PM - Comment(s)
Is GPT-4 a Mixture of Experts Model? Exploring MoE Architectures for Language Models
Rumors are swirling that GPT-4 may use an advanced technique called Mixture of Experts (MoE) to achieve over 1 tr parameters. This offers an opportunity to demystify MoE
Ines Almeida
17.08.23 02:25 PM - Comment(s)
Automating Common Sense for AI With Ensemble Models
"Symbolic knowledge distillation" that automates common sense acquisition for AI.
Ines Almeida
16.08.23 11:38 AM - Comment(s)
Protecting LLMs from Theft with Watermarks
Protecting the Copyright of Large Language Models Using Waterrmarks
Ines Almeida
12.08.23 10:41 AM - Comment(s)
Enhancing AI's Compositional Language Skills
Enhancing AI's Compositional Language Skills
Ines Almeida
12.08.23 10:10 AM - Comment(s)
Training Smarter AI Systems to Understand Natural Language
Researchers are exploring new techniques to improve AI's ability to grasp diverse sentence structures and indirect meaning.
Ines Almeida
12.08.23 08:46 AM - Comment(s)
The Promise of Frozen Language Models
In their research paper, AI21 Labs demonstrates that frozen LLMs have untapped potential that can match or exceed fine-tuning approaches, without the downsides.
Ines Almeida
11.08.23 10:04 AM - Comment(s)
Evaluating AI Language Models: Formal vs Functional Linguistic Competence
A new perspective paper argues that we must evaluate LLMs along two dimensions: formal linguistic competence and functional linguistic competence.
Ines Almeida
10.08.23 09:53 PM - Comment(s)
Enhancing AI with Symbolic Thinking
Researchers are exploring how to combine LLMs with neurosymbolic methods that incorporate logical reasoning and structure.
Ines Almeida
10.08.23 06:34 PM - Comment(s)
Filling in the Blanks: AI Learns to Suggest Missing Pieces of Stories
AI research from 2019 explored how to automatically generate reasonable suggestions for missing sections of text.
Ines Almeida
10.08.23 08:07 AM - Comment(s)
Behind the Scenes of Storytelling: Using AI to Plan and Structure Narratives
In 2019, researchers explored how artificial intelligence could use hierarchical models to improve computer-generated stories.
Ines Almeida
10.08.23 08:07 AM - Comment(s)
Reading Between the Lines: Using Math to Uncover Hidden Patterns in Books
Books may seem like straightforward stories, but researchers are finding fascinating mathematical patterns hidden in the text.
Ines Almeida
10.08.23 08:06 AM - Comment(s)
Storywrangler: Tracking Culture and Events through Twitter's Lens
Researchers developed a tool called Storywrangler that leveraged Twitter data to create an "instrument for understanding our world through the lens of social media."
Ines Almeida
10.08.23 08:05 AM - Comment(s)
The Six Basic Emotional Story Arcs, According to Science
A 2016 study analyzed over a thousand stories to uncover the basic emotional arcs that form the building blocks of narratives.
Ines Almeida
10.08.23 08:05 AM - Comment(s)
Teaching AI to Tell Better Tales by Integrating External Knowledge
New research explores how integrating structured knowledge into AI systems can enhance storytelling abilities.
Ines Almeida
10.08.23 08:05 AM - Comment(s)
Teaching AI to Craft Coherent Stories
New research from Stanford University demonstrates how "emotion maps" could improve story generation.
Ines Almeida
10.08.23 08:04 AM - Comment(s)
While machine translation has improved dramatically for major languages, quality translation still lags for thousands of smaller languages.
Ines Almeida
10.08.23 08:04 AM - Comment(s)