Gen AI Research

Blog categorized as Gen AI Research

Language Model Tokenization Reveals Significant Disparities Across Languages: Implications for Businesses and Users
In this article, we'll dive into a recent study that uncovers substantial disparities in the tokenization process used by language models across different languages.
Ines Almeida
29.04.24 12:28 PM - Comment(s)
AI Benchmarks: Misleading Measures of Progress Towards General Intelligence
It is crucial for business leaders to understand the limitations and potential pitfalls of current approaches to measuring AI capabilities.
Ines Almeida
03.04.24 10:42 AM - Comment(s)
Microsoft Unveils AutoGen to Revolutionize Conversational AI Apps
To accelerate development of advanced conversational AI applications, Microsoft recently introduced AutoGen, an open-source Python library that streamlines orchestrating multi-agent conversations.
Ines Almeida
24.10.23 02:13 PM - Comment(s)
MemGPT: The Memory Limitations of AI Systems and a Clever Technological Workaround
MemGPT, applies OS principles like virtual memory and process management to unlock more powerful applications of LLMs - all while staying within their inherent memory limits.
Ines Almeida
24.10.23 12:02 PM - Comment(s)
Is GPT-4 a Mixture of Experts Model? Exploring MoE Architectures for Language Models
Rumors are swirling that GPT-4 may use an advanced technique called Mixture of Experts (MoE) to achieve over 1 tr parameters. This offers an opportunity to demystify MoE
Ines Almeida
17.08.23 02:25 PM - Comment(s)
Automating Common Sense for AI With Ensemble Models
"Symbolic knowledge distillation" that automates common sense acquisition for AI.
Ines Almeida
16.08.23 11:38 AM - Comment(s)
Enhancing AI's Compositional Language Skills
Enhancing AI's Compositional Language Skills
Ines Almeida
12.08.23 10:10 AM - Comment(s)
DisentQA: Catching Knowledge Gaps and Avoiding Misleading Users
Building QA Systems that catch knowledge gaps and avoid misleading users.
Ines Almeida
12.08.23 09:22 AM - Comment(s)
Training Smarter AI Systems to Understand Natural Language
Researchers are exploring new techniques to improve AI's ability to grasp diverse sentence structures and indirect meaning.
Ines Almeida
12.08.23 08:46 AM - Comment(s)
Making Conversational AI More Natural: Helping Systems Understand Indirect References
Making Conversational AI More Natural: Helping Systems Understand Indirect References
Ines Almeida
12.08.23 08:22 AM - Comment(s)
The Promise of Frozen Language Models
In their research paper, AI21 Labs demonstrates that frozen LLMs have untapped potential that can match or exceed fine-tuning approaches, without the downsides.
Ines Almeida
11.08.23 10:04 AM - Comment(s)
Evaluating AI Language Models: Formal vs Functional Linguistic Competence
A new perspective paper argues that we must evaluate LLMs along two dimensions: formal linguistic competence and functional linguistic competence.
Ines Almeida
10.08.23 09:53 PM - Comment(s)
Making AI More Useful and Reliable with Modular Systems: MRKL
LLMs have some serious limitations that constrain their usefulness for real-world applications. To overcome these limitations, AI researchers have proposed a new type of AI system architecture called Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language (MRKL).
Ines Almeida
10.08.23 09:21 PM - Comment(s)
Enhancing AI with Symbolic Thinking
Researchers are exploring how to combine LLMs with neurosymbolic methods that incorporate logical reasoning and structure.
Ines Almeida
10.08.23 06:34 PM - Comment(s)
The Six Basic Emotional Story Arcs, According to Science
A 2016 study analyzed over a thousand stories to uncover the basic emotional arcs that form the building blocks of narratives.
Ines Almeida
10.08.23 08:05 AM - Comment(s)
While machine translation has improved dramatically for major languages, quality translation still lags for thousands of smaller languages.
Ines Almeida
10.08.23 08:04 AM - Comment(s)
Helping Data Workers Craft Stories on the Fly
Data analysis often involves exploring data to unearth insights, then crafting stories to communicate those findings. But converting discoveries into coherent narratives poses challenges. Researchers have developed an AI assistant called Notable that streamlines data storytelling.
Ines Almeida
10.08.23 08:04 AM - Comment(s)
RAG: The Promise of AI That Reads to Write
Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) systems learn to retrieve and incorporate external knowledge when generating text.
Ines Almeida
10.08.23 08:03 AM - Comment(s)
Training AI with Human Feedback for Better Summaries: RLHF
The researchers found that optimizing the AI for direct human preferences significantly boosted performance compared to just training it to mimic reference summaries.
Ines Almeida
10.08.23 08:02 AM - Comment(s)
Teaching AI to Think Clearly and Act Accordingly: ReAct
LLMs struggle with logical reasoning and decision-making when tackling complex real-world problems. Researchers propose an approach called ReAct that interleaves reasoning steps with actions to address this accuracy problem.
Ines Almeida
10.08.23 08:02 AM - Comment(s)